hs-ieee754 | | Utilities for dealing with IEEE floating point numbers |
hs-indexed-profunctors | | Utilities for indexed profunctors |
hs-integer-conversion | | Conversion from strings to Integer |
hs-integer-logarithms | | Integer logarithms |
hs-invariant | | Haskell98 invariant functors |
hs-kan-extensions | | Kan extensions/lifts, the Yoneda lemma, and (co)density (co)monads |
hs-math-functions | | Collection of tools for numeric computations |
hs-mod | | Fast type-safe modular arithmetic |
hs-monoid-subclasses | | Subclasses of Monoid |
hs-mwc-random | | Fast, high quality pseudo random number generation |
hs-nats | | Haskell 98 natural numbers |
hs-primes | | Efficient, purely functional generation of prime numbers |
hs-profunctors | | Profunctors |
hs-quote-quot | | Divide without division |
hs-scientific | | Numbers represented using scientific notation |
hs-semigroupoids | | Semigroupoids: Category sans id |
hs-semigroups | | Anything that associates |
hs-semirings | | Two monoids as one, in holy haskimony |
hs-statistics | | Library of statistical types, data, and functions |
imath | | 2D and 3D vector, matrix, and math operations for computer graphics |
ipopt | | Interior Point OPTimizer |
isl | | Integer set library required by gcc graphite |
itpp | | Library of mathematical, signal processing and communication routines |
kalgebra | | KDE graph calculator |
kalker | | CLI calculator supporting math-like syntax with user-defined variables |
kcalc | | KDE scientific calculator |
kissfft | | Simple mixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform |
lapack | | Linear Algebra PACKage (Netlib reference implementation) |
lapack64 | | Reference Linear Algebra PACKage with 64 bit indices |
lapacke | | C interface to the reference LAPACK library |
lapacke64 | | C interface to the reference LAPACK with 64 bit indices |
libffm | | Fast alpha-optimized replacement for some libm routines |
libfixmath | | Q16.16 format fixed point operations in C |
libint | | Efficient computation of quantum mechanical matrix elements over Gaussian basis sets |
libixion | | General purpose formula parser & interpreter |
liblbfgs | | Library of Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS) |
liblinear | | Library for large linear classification |
libmatheval | | Library for evaluating mathematical expressions |
libnumbertext | | Convert to number names from numbers |
libquadmath | | GCC Quad-Precision Math Library |
libshorttext | | Library for short-text classification and analysis |
libsvm | | Library for Support Vector Machines |
linpack | | Library of linear algebra Fortran routines |
lp_solve | | Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver |
ltm | | Number theoretic multiple-precision integer library |
lua-cassowary | | Constraint solver for Lua |
lumina-calculator | | Scientific calculator from the Lumina desktop |
mapm | | Arbitrary Precision Math library |
mathomatic | | Small portable symbolic math program |
maxima | | Computer algebra system |
mcsim | | Monte Carlo Simulation software |
meschach | | Library of C Routines for Matrix Computations |
metis | | Unstructured graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering system |
mimetex (V) | | CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image |
minisat | | Minimalistic yet highly efficient SAT solver |
minpack | | FORTRAN 77 library for the solution of nonlinear equations |
mpc (V) | | MPFR-based library for complex floating-point with exact rounding |
mpcomplex | | Multiprecision complex arithmetic library |
mpdecimal | | C/C++ arbitrary precision decimal floating point libraries |
mpfi | | Multiprecision interval arithmetic library |
mpfr | | GMP-based library for multiple-precision floating-point computations |
mprime-bin | | Mersenne prime tester (binary) |
mtl | | Matrix Template Library |
muparser | | Parser for mathematical expressions |
newmat | | Newmat C++ Matrix Library |
nickle | | Desk calculator language |
nlopt | | Nonlinear optimization library |
ntl | | C++ library for doing number theory |
ocaml-num | | Library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic |
ocaml-zarith | | OCaml arithmetic library for arbitrary precision integers |
octave | | High-level language, intended for numerical computations |
odepack | | Systematized Collection of ODE Solvers |
openaxiom | | Platform for symbolic, algebraic, and numerical computations |
openblas | | Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas) |
openblas_openmp | | Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas_openmp) |
openblas_pthread | | Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas_pthread) |
openblas64 | | Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas64) |
openblas64_openmp | | Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas64_openmp) |
openblas64_pthread | | Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas64_pthread) |
openfst | | Library for manipulating transducers |
ordCalc | | Ordinal arithmetic calculator and research tool |
otter | | Automated Deduction System |
p5-Algorithm-BloomFilter | | Simple bloom filter data structure |
p5-Algorithm-Cluster | | Perl interface to the C Clustering Library |
p5-Algorithm-Munkres | | Munkres Assignment for square and rectangular matrices |
p5-Alien-GMP | | Alien package for the GNU Multiple Precision library |
p5-Bit-Vector-Minimal (V) | | Object-oriented wrapper around Perl's vec() |
p5-Excel-Template | | Perl module for templating Excel files |
p5-Excel-Template-Plus | | Extension to the Excel::Template module |
p5-Math-Base-Convert | | Very fast base to base conversion |
p5-Math-Base36 | | Perl 5 module to encode and decode base36 strings |
p5-Math-Base85 | | Perl extension for base 85 numbers, as referenced by RFC 1924 |
p5-Math-BaseCnv | | Fast functions to CoNVert between number Bases |
p5-Math-Bezier | | Perl module for the solution of Bezier curves |
p5-Math-BigInt | | Arbitrary size integer math perl package |
p5-Math-BigInt-GMP | | Perl module for arbitrary size integer math via the GMP library |
p5-Math-BigInt-Pari | | Perl5 library to use Math::Pari for Math::BigInt routines |
p5-Math-BigInteger | | Arbitrary length integer extension module for Perl |
p5-Math-Calc-Units | | Human-readable unit-aware calculator |
p5-Math-Derivative | | Numeric 1st and 2nd order differentiation |